Nov 20, 2023 is now using GitHub Pages

As much as I prefer self-hosting the website, my current responsibilities have been limiting my free time for maintaining the website.

While I’ve setup an old-school CI/CD pipelines using shell scripts on my OpenBSD box to sync website files from Git repo periodically, I’m tired of worrying about security.

But you said OpenBSD was cool

The only reason I chose OpenBSD as previous webserver was because of security concerns. If I, a normal person, have to host a public website on the internet, I’d rather prefer the most secure OS by defaults as my webserver box.

But lately, I’ve been thinking, if I could delegate this public-facing component with someone else’s, then I wouldn’t have to worry about it being hacked!


I just simply added a GitHub Actions file in webtools, and this will build and deploy my websites to GitHub Pages with my custom domain name.

I push the new articles markdowns and the website gets updated like before, but without the risks of having my personal servers attacked.

Laziness wins I guess.

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